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Insurance Broker

We have our own team to meet the needs of your business with the aim of offering efficient risk management through personalized solutions.

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General Insurance

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Cyber Insurance

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Directors and Officers Insurance (D&O Insurance)

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Errors and Omissions Insurance (E&O Insurance)

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Fraud Insurance

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Wrongful Employment Practices Insurance

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Investment Managers Insurance

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Surety Bond Insurance

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Credit Insurance

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Property Insurance

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Civil Liability Insurance Operations

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Environmental Liability Insurance

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Engineering Risks Insurance

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Civil Liability for Construction Insurance

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Miscellaneous Equipment Risks Insurance

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Photovoltaic Plants Insurance

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Fleet Auto Insurance

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Transportation Insurance


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Group Life Insurance

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Lender's Insurance

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Cyber Insurance

Cyber Insurance ensures the company against potential losses arising from a cyber incident, whether to ensure business continuity or to cover the payment of compensation for damages caused to third parties due to data leakage.

Among the main coverages of Cyber Insurance, the following are highlighted:

  • Defense and investigation costs for an administrative or legal claim.
  • Data restoration.
  • Publicity expenses for maintaining the company and shareholders.
  • Extortion - ransom payment.
  • Business interruption losses.
  • Third-party indemnification.
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D&O Insurance

Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance aims to provide coverage for the personal assets of directors and administrators (broad definition of insured person, covering anyone with management powers) of the company in case they are held liable administratively or judicially for acts committed in the course of their activities.

Among the various coverages offered by this insurance, the following are highlighted:

  • Legal fees.
  • Asset freeze - online attachment.
  • Investigation costs.
  • Disqualification from an administrative position.
  • Fines and penalties.
  • Personal reputation protection.
  • Environmental damage.
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E&O Insurance

Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance aims to cover damages caused in the provision of professional services arising from acts or omissions when there is no intentional wrongdoing.

Among the main coverages are:

  • Defense costs.
  • Advertising expenses.
  • Breach of professional confidentiality.
  • Financial losses due to damages caused in service provision (material and bodily harm).
  • Third-party loss of income.
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Fraud Insurance

Corporate Fraud Insurance aims to indemnify financial losses resulting from fraud or dishonest acts committed by any employee or third party.

Key features of the product include:

  • Compensation for financial losses incurred due to fraudulent acts.
  • Investigation costs.
  • Recovery costs.
  • Computer fraud or funds transfer fraud.
  • Legal fees.
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Wrongful Employment Practices Insurance

This insurance aims to guarantee the payment of Financial Losses from Claims made against the Insured due to Illicit Employment Acts for which they are held responsible, whether these claims are brought personally by any employees or represented by third parties, individually or collectively.

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Investment Managers Insurance

Insurance for Investment Managers is a form of liability insurance that aims to provide coverage for the personal assets of directors and administrators (third parties) regarding personal liability while acting on behalf of Investment Managers (Private Equity and Asset Management) and Investment Funds.

Its main coverages are the same as D&O Insurance with two important extensions:

  • E&O (FIPI) - Professional Liability.
  • EPL (Employers Practices Liability) - Wrongful Employment Practices. 

It also offers coverage to all investments in which the insured person acts on behalf of the company.

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Surety Bond Insurance

Surety Bond Insurance aims to guarantee the faithful performance of an obligation assumed by one party in a bilateral contract. It guarantees an obligation to give (i.e., the debtor must deliver an object that is in their possession, transferring ownership to the other party) or an obligation to do (i.e., the debtor must provide a service) or even a financial obligation (i.e., the payment of a debt). Surety Bond Insurance can be contracted in various modalities depending on the obligation to be guaranteed as listed below:

  • Contractual (private or public).
  • Energy Purchase.
  • Judicial.
  • Financial.
  • Real Estate Swap.
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Credit Insurance

Understood as a financial risk management tool, Credit Insurance offers protection against the risk of default due to insolvency or bankruptcy of debtors. The insurance indemnifies the Insured for the value of invoices for goods and services acquired and unpaid.

It can be contracted for sales in the domestic and international markets, divided into domestic credit and export credit.

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Property Insurance

Property Insurance, as the name suggests, aims to protect your company's assets against various risks such as fire, flood, windstorm, among others.

This insurance can be contracted in various modalities depending on the size and complexity of your company's activities, namely:

  • Comprehensive Business.
  • Operational Risks.
  • Named Risks.

Among the main coverages of Property Insurance are:

  • Fire.
  • Lightning strike.
  • Explosion.
  • Windstorm.
  • Flood.
  • Electrical damage.
  • Glass breakage.
  • Theft.
  • Machinery breakdown.
  • Business interruption.
  • Loss of rent.
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Civil Liability Insurance Operations

Civil Liability Operations Insurance aims to reimburse the insured for amounts for which they become liable, related to reparations for unintentional bodily and/or material damages caused to third parties resulting from their operations. 

Among the coverages of Civil Liability Insurance, the following are highlighted:

  • Existence, use, and conservation of the property.
  • Commercial and/or industrial operations of the insured, understood as all actions necessary for the realization and development of their activities.
  • Loading and unloading carried out by the insured at third-party locations.
  • Guarantees payment of compensation due by the insured to their employees in cases of partial or permanent disability of their employees while performing their duties.
  • Design errors.
  • Contingent risks of vehicles.
  • Products.
  • Recall.
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Environmental Liability Insurance

Environmental Liability Insurance offers broad coverage different from that offered in General Civil Liability Insurance, whose coverage is only intended for sudden pollution.

It can be contracted for infrastructure works, service provision, commercial and industrial operations, and transportation. Among the main coverages are:

  • Costs and expenses of cleaning (remediation) both at the insured's location and at third-party locations.
  • Bodily and material damages to third parties resulting from a pollution event.
  • Coverage extensions for Pollution Conditions of the Transported Cargo.
  • Co-responsibility for the treatment and final disposal of waste and pollution conditions resulting from service provision at third-party locations.
  • Loss of the insured's expected profits due to a pollution event.
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Engineering Risks Insurance

Engineering Risks Insurance aims to guarantee financial losses for material damages caused to the work, resulting from a sudden and unforeseen accident, which may result in damage or destruction of Civil Engineering works, equipment, and/or machinery used in construction such as collapse, fire, explosion, theft, qualified theft, among others, as well as damages that may be caused to third parties, resulting from the work execution.

Among the main coverages are:

  • Maintenance and warranty for new machinery and equipment.
  • Design errors for civil works/manufacturer risks with or without itself.
  • Hired/Contracted works/installations.
  • Work accepted or put into operation.
  • Temporary installations or temporary works.
  • General and cross liability with/without foundations.
  • Employer liability.
  • Moral damages - spillage, infiltration, or water discharges.
  • Loss of expected profits ("ALOP").
  • Adjacent properties.
  • Transport of materials to be incorporated into the work.
  • Small and medium-sized tools.
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Civil Liability for Construction Insurance

Civil Liability Insurance for Construction aims to guarantee the losses that the Insured will have if held civilly liable for material and bodily damages caused to third parties resulting from the construction work, installation, assembly, and disassembly of equipment and machinery.

Among the main coverages are:

  • Civil works, installation, and assembly.
  • Design errors for civil works.
  • Adjacent properties.
  • Riots, strikes, and lockouts.
  • Loss of profits due to civil liability.
  • Water spillage, infiltration, and/or discharge.
  • Personal belongings of employees under the insured's care.
  • Cross civil liability.
  • Vehicle contingent risks.
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Miscellaneous Equipment Risks Insurance

Miscellaneous Equipment Risks Insurance offers coverage for any type of movable property, be it computers, machinery, or equipment.

Among the main coverages are:

  • Fires, lightning, or explosions.
  • Electrical damage.
  • Theft and burglary.
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Photovoltaic Plants Insurance

This insurance guarantees compensation to the insured for losses resulting from damage caused to the equipment, according to the risks covered in the policy. Coverage includes the entire system: panels, inverters, structure, and electrical components.

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Fleet Auto Insurance

Fleet Automobile Insurance aims to protect vehicles, whether owned by the company, its partners, employees, or affiliates using their vehicles for commercial purposes, against damages caused by collision, fire, theft, and even damages caused by nature. It also includes financial protection against damages caused to third-party property and bodily injuries to individuals involved in collisions with vehicles under its policy.

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Transportation Insurance

National or International Transportation Insurance aims to guarantee compensation to the insured for losses caused to their own property or third parties during air, water, coastal, pipeline, rail, and road transportation.

Among the main coverages in the various modalities of Transportation Insurance, the following are highlighted:

  • Accidents and damages (damages and losses caused to goods, merchandise, and products transported during the journey).
  • Expenses in defense, recovery, and minimization of losses and damages.
  • Theft in the warehouse, boarded or otherwise, of the vehicle.
  • Additional coverages: freight, expenses, expected profits, and taxes.
  • Cleaning and unblocking of the runway + Environmental Liability.